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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Cheerful Daisies Cards with Leanne and Mindy

Hello crafty friends, Leanne here! I have a very springy card to share today. I think this combination of spring daisies and little chicks is sure to brighten anyone's day. 

Sunny Studio Stamps: Cheerful Daisies Chickie Baby Frilly Frame Dies Spring Showers Spring Themed Cards by Leanne West

This card is A2 size and I started with an ink blended background. I used some Distress Inks (Tumbled Glass, Twisted Citron, Bundled Sage) and blending brushes to create my two toned background. I then splatted the bottom 3/4's of the background with thinned green acrylic paint. I always use acrylic paint for splattering because I can control the opaqueness of the splatters by adding more or less water to the paint. 

Sunny Studio Stamps: Cheerful Daisies Chickie Baby Frilly Frame Dies Spring Showers Spring Themed Cards by Leanne West

I wanted to cover most of the card front with daisies. I stamped out seven daisies and ten leaves from the Cheerful Daisies set. (ink colors for petals, centers, and leaves listed below) I arranged the daisies and leaves closely together but left a little room to add the chicks which are from Chickie Baby. I Copic colored the chicks with Y0000, Y00, Y15 - my go to colors for yellow chicks. I stamped the greeting from Cheerful Daisies in dark grey ink towards the top of the card. I felt this design still needed a little something so I decided to add some butterflies. I used tiny butterfly images from Spring Showers.  

Altenew Ink colors used for daisies and leaves: Rose Quartz, Puffy Heart, Buttercream, Warm Sunshine, Caramel Toffee, Limeade, Fresh Leaf


Hello! It’s Mindy from My Creative ScoopToday I’m sharing a 2 step stamping technique with the new Cheerful Daisies Stamp Set
Sunny Studio Stamps: Cheerful Daisies Frilly Frame Dies Spring Themed Card and Video Tutorial by Mindy Baxter

Instead of doing the traditional 2 step stamping with a lighter color and a darker color ink I’m using some water to stamp with my stamp and get the reaction from the Distress Oxide inks. I’m also using the Frilly Frames Striped die

Sunny Studio Stamps: Cheerful Daisies Frilly Frame Dies Spring Themed Card and Video Tutorial by Mindy Baxter

This is such a fun and simple card and a great way to practice blending backgrounds with your distress oxide inks. I wanted to use pinks and purples but wouldn’t this also look amazing in some orange and yellows?!

I’m using Shaded Lilac, Worn Lipstick, Peacock Feathers and a little Scattered Straw Distress Oxide inks in my video below!

Thank you so much stopping by. Have a great day!

Sunny Studio Supplies Used:

Frilly Frames Stripes Die
Frilly Frames Stripes Die
Shop at:
Sunny Studio
Cheerful Daisies Stamps
Cheerful Daisies Stamps
Shop at:
Sunny Studio
Cheerful Daisies Dies
Cheerful Daisies Dies
Shop at:
Sunny Studio
Chickie Baby Stamps
Chickie Baby Stamps
Shop at:
Sunny Studio
Chickie Baby Dies
Chickie Baby Dies
Shop at:
Sunny Studio
Spring Showers Stamps
Spring Showers Stamps
Shop at:
Sunny Studio
Spring Showers Dies
Spring Showers Dies
Shop at:
Sunny Studio

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