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Friday, November 13, 2015

Bundled Up Pink & Green Penguin Cool Christmas Card

Hi there!  I'm wrapping up my week hijacking the blog with one last Bundled Up card using one of my favorite color combos: Hot pink and lime green!

This particular hat is a favorite of mine from the set.  My daughter had a hat identical to this in red when she was two and it was the cutest thing ever!  I can still picture her chubby cheeks squeezed with the hat's chin strap!  ;)

To pick up the colors in my pre-colored penguin I repeatedly stamped the Cool Christmas sentiment in alternating colors of pale pink, hot pink and lime green ink on the diagonal.  After I was done I felt like it was still a little too plain for my taste so I stitched simple rows with white thread on my sewing machine.  I also die-cut a trio of matching snowflakes from the Snow Kissed die set which I topped with small jewels for a bit of sparkle.

I have to gush that I am loving these mini snowflake dies!  I'm finding they are just the right size to compliment so many stamped images!  

Well, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Don't forget that there's still time to take advantage of our 20% off sale using the code "CARDMAKER" at our online storeI will pop in again on Monday with some winners from Wednesday's blog hop.  :)


  1. I just love, love, love this! Really love the pink & green - it's just gorgeous! Lovely design. Awesome coloring.

  2. I absolutely adore the pink & green!! AND you might already know how much I seriously LOVE this little penguin!! He is a cutie pie!!
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  3. This is so adorable!!!! I love that hat... so cute! And the colors go so well together... love the stitching and the word background on the diagonal...super job my friend!
